1. This paper included two crosses --- BxA f2 intercross and AxB Apoe KO intercross. Updated the map with Build37 Cox genetic map and saved the new files as "BxA_b37_Data.csv" and "Doorenbos2008b_AxBApoe_B37_Data.csv". The files are ready to be input into Rqtl. This is the readme file of AxB Apoe F2 intercross; 2. Generate a description file of the project, it includes the general information, definitions of phenotypes, description of genotypes and information of missing markers; 3. The cross file has 207 male mice in total. Only 145 of them were selected to do QTL analysis in published paper; 4. For the genotypes of AxB Apoe cross: (cM=centiMorgan, bp=basepair) This cross used mouse SNP markers. Among them, 6 markers don't have any information of cM and bp in Cox genetic map or current databases. Use interpolating algorithm in Rqtl to calculate the B37 cM positions of them. The bp positions are unavailable. Please see the description file for the details (markers are highlighted with aqua color in description file); 5. For the phenotypes of the cross: For the phenotypes of the cross, could not find the definition of trait "BUN.0.wks" in paper; 6. Except the "csv" files mentioned above, save the description file, original data, data with B37 map, and my data process and missing marker list together as a big excel file "Data_Description_AxBApoe_Doorenbos2008b.xls". (1st curation work is finished on 5/20/2009, update files at 7/1/2009, 8/5/2010, 10/21, 11/11/2010) 7. Divide the project into 2 projects (Doorenbos2008a and Doorenbos2008b) , one per cross in QTL archive database on 9/17/2010. 8. Information updated on 10/13/2011: (1) Change the name of the map (from "Shifman" to "Cox" map) in description and readme file, add a map reference in description file; (2) Generate genetic map plot, missing genotypes plot, map comparison plot, whole genome RF plot and problematic chromosome RF plots for B37 data. Problematic markers were found on chr 1,2 (markers correlated with other chromosomes), 11 and 14 (marker order problems). All quality control plots were saved in "QCReport_Doorenbos_2008b.pdf".