B6 x BTBR intercross data Alan Attie and colleagues clean data files microarray_annot.csv: microarray annotation file (37,827 probes with genomic locations) reporterid unique probe identifier probeid another probe identifier sequencesourceid identifier for the source of the probe a_gene_id The key identifier for the probes, used in the microarray data probesequence The probe sequence on the array pChromosome Chromosome pStrand Strand (1 or -1) pStart bp of start of probe (in build mm9/NCBI37) pEnd bp of end of probe (in build mm9/NCBI37) officialgenesymbol gene symbol for gene containing the probe SNPids IDs for SNPs within the probe (not necessarily segregating) NumofSNPs Number of SNPs in the probe (not necessarily segregating) eg Entrez gene ID gobp.id Gene Ontology biological process IDs, separated by ; gobp.term Gene Ontology biological process terms, separted by ; gocc.id Gene Ontology cellular component IDs, separated by ; gocc.term Gene Ontology cellular component terms, separated by ; gomf.id Gene Ontology molecular function IDs, separated by ; gomf.term Gene Ontology molecular function terms, separated by ; path_id KEGG pathway ID kegg.term KEGG pathway terms pos.Mbp probe position in Mbp (build mm9/NCBI37) pos.cM interpolated cM position probe_use 1 if gene is known; 0 if not chr Chromosome (same as pChromosome) genotypes_clean.csv: Genotype data + genetic map + sex/pgm phenotypes MouseNum Mouse identifier Sex Sex pgm paternal grandmother (0 = B6xBTBR; 1 = BTBRxB6) id Identical to MouseNum column genetic_map.csv Genetic map of markers (positions in cM) physical_map.csv Physical map of markers (positions in build mm9/NCBI37 Mbp) gene expression microarray data: tissues adipose, gastroc, hypo, islet, kidney, liver tissue_int1_clean.csv intensity 1 (pool) tissue_int2_clean.csv intensity 2 (individual) tissue_mlratio_clean.csv attenuated log10(individual/pool) tissue_batch_clean.csv microarray batch covariates